The nature of my job means I have to work Sundays _ one every two weeks

Mrs B is a saint and insisted on making the sandwiches _ when she could have stayed in bed.

Today's route to work was down tree lined Cathedral Road _ which is my favourite street in Cardiff.

A few dogs were taking their owners for walks.

The Lunch box

4 salmon (tinned) sandwiches on brown/white bread.

2 Lindt chocolates.

1 Muller light vanilla yoghurt.

Banana, apple and Kiwi Fruit.

WHAT happened?

Well the Lindt chocolates _ the last two from a box bought at Christmas _ went pretty sharpish.

The sandwiches all went in quick sucession at 12.30, followed by the yoghurt _ over a week now since I last spilled any.

The yoghurt was good _ not had vanilla flavour for a while

Mrs B had cut up about 10 thin slices of Kiwi Fruit _ stored in a small plastic container.

She had read an entry in my blog last week about how my satsuma was below par and wanted to give me something different _ and I really appreciated it... a nice change.

The apple (organic) held out until 2.15pm, before being consumed.

Baby is Coming: Bumpy is now kicking regularly _ which we are both very happy about. Yesterday we went to view a couple of prams _ you need a physics degree to work out how to fold down etc, etc.

Random Thought _ A re-wording of David Steel's famous quote "Go back to your constituencies and prepare for Government," for Charles Kennedy.
"Go back to your locals and prepare for Happy Hour!"


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