May 23rd lunchbox

BREAKFAST: Marvellous bowl of Cornflakes with cold semi-skimmed milk.

The Walk to Work.

Sun was really trying to break through (fair play), but even with clear blue skies there was the odd drop of rain... well that's the UK for you!
Down the Taff Trial into the centre of Cardiff and it was cyclist mania this morning. And at last more on the wildlife front, noted two fierce looking ravens foraging for food on the river bank, as well as quite a few chilled out ducks on the River Taff below. The immaculate groomed white Husky passed me with his owner.

1 banana
1 plum
4 chicken sandwiches on granary bread
1 toffee flavoured Muller Light Yoghurt
1 slice of coconut cake made by Plugs of Trumpton.

THIS oven could do with a good clean!

Went for the cake first (and why not!), followed by the banana and then the plum. Sandwiches were rapidly demolished just before midday. Yoghurt will go shortly.


2333: Adam and Eve are brought back to life (don't ask me how) by a team of scientists living on the outskirts of the capital of Antarctica, AmundScott.
Eve's first words to Adam are: I was thinking of doing a nice crumble with the remains of that Apple!

>>>>Coming soon a podcast about the Welsh forgetter of the Year.


Anonymous said…
Why is it called AmundScott?
Anonymous said…
"Why is it called AmundScott?"

Mate, read the archive.
Anonymous said…
I know that Amund is Innuit for apple but I don't get the Scott bit. Is that your middle name?
Anonymous said…
I'm nominating this Blog for Blog of the Year.

Paul, BT in Cardiff.
Sion Barry said…
Paul from BT are you office bound?
Anonymous said…
Yes. I'm quite lonely as well, so it's become a bit of a friend.

Sion Barry said…
Have you never thought about working for Ntl, or for a VoIP company?
Anonymous said…
No. But thanks for the advice. I don't walk to work either. It's too far.

Anonymous said…
Gee, I saw your post on The Vegan Lunchbox and I thought, "This guy is really wild!" I just love Wales and all the way through junior high I thought Tom Jones was as neat as could be. In Vietnam I had a poster of Shirley Bassey on a bamboo pole. It was when I tried eating the pole I decided to become a vegan. Sion, you should tell your story about how you said goodbye to meat and dairy products.

Sion Barry said…
This is not well known, but both Jones and Bassey served in Vietnam.

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