July 10th lunchbox

BREAKFAST: Nice bowl of Shreddies with semi-skimmed cold milk.

The Walk to Work: Was good to be back on the Taff Trail after a week's holiday. The River Taff below was so placid this morning as I spied a duck taking to flight.
Past the home of Glamorgan County Cricket Club, Sophia Gardens, and a mechanical digger was hard at work at one end of the ground where a small stand had stood last week. I guess it marks the beginning of construction to turn the ground into a test cricket arena.
Pretty light on cyclists and pedestrians this morning along the trail.


Back in action after a week's recuperation.
1 container of cherries.
1 Cherry flavoured Muller Light Yoghurt.
4 ham and tomato sandwiches.
2 digestive biscuits.
1 banana

Let it settle for a minute or two

Digestives were first to out (not a gay affirmation thing), followed by the banana. Had the sandwiches just before midday. then the yoghurt. Saving the cherries for later


2011: A common! ocurrence as parents take drastic measures to ensure their kids are in catchment areas for the best performing state schools.


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