August 2sd lunchbox

BREAKFAST: Wonderful bowl of 2 Weetabix with a sprinking of porridge oates... and oh yes of course with semi-skimmed cold milk.

Walk to Work.

Yes it had to be down the Taff Trail where there was a decidedly sporting theme. First a chap passed me carrying what I believe was a pitching wedge and a bag of golf balls, then two minutes later a chap passed carrying a tennis racket.

Lunchbox: Not required today as I am out for lunch with some very important people from chartered surveyors Lambert Smith Hampton.

Just go for it


2010: North Korea signs up to the Non Tesco Proliferation Pact (NTPP).


Anonymous said…

I'm a big fan of your blog and was delighted to read my inclusion on your Walk To Work section.

Yours truly,

Tennis man, Cardiff
Anonymous said…
Woof woof
Anonymous said…
We at the Grey Squirrel Protection Society are massive fans of this blog Sion. But we've noticed you haven't spotted many on your walk to work of late. Is this down to diminishing numbers? If so, we intend to send a team to Wales to monitor the situation.

Debbie, The Grey Squirrel Protection Society, Leamington Spa

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