May 8 lunchbox

Bowl of Branflakes with semi-skimmed organic cold milk. Then had a crumpet with Olivio spread.
Walk to Work:
It was back down the Taff Trail this morning, where construction on a new stadium at the home of Glamorgan County Cricket Club is coming very nicely. A single Swan was on the River Taff below... Gareth Hall has promised to find it a partner very soon.
2 Beef and tomato rolls
1 apple
1 banana
1 curly wurly
1 plum
Some grapes.
Random Thought:

Not hurdled a fence in quite a while... it's great when you do and catch it just right. Perhaps my fence hopping days are over. No way Sion you're the man!
Do remember my brother Mark getting into real trouble trying the hurdle a spiked fence in Germany crica 1976, where we had gate crashed a school trip of St Alban's primary school in the Splott area of Cardiff, as our mother was a teacher there at the time.
Anyway, I had cleared it, but when his turn came he didn't quite and the back of his right thigh got impaled on the wooden spike! He had to be rescued and taken to a hospital. I don't think we had medical insurance. Quite a few stitches were needed, before he was able to rejoin us.


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