July 2 lunchbox

Another bowl of Weetabix with semi-skimmed organic milk. Perhaps I should have something different.

Walk to work:

I was in the dentist chair at 9.30am located on my favourite stretch of highway in Cardiff, Cathedral Road. It was just a scale and polish and a chance to listen to Radio 2.

When I left it the heavens opened, but fortunately I was equipped with an umbrella. Over Canton Bridge, which takes you into the centre of Cardiff, a car sprayed a whole "bunch" of water over me. The main brunt of the soaking was taken by a lady who had just passed me.
I was pretty wet, but it made me laugh.


4 beef and tomato brown bread sandwiches
1 Rachel's organic yoghurt
1 peach
1 banana
2 chocolate digestive biscuits

Random Thought

Don't you think you should pull over darling? We have been driving for hours and are obviously lost.
Never, never, never: Bread of heaven, bread of heaven!
Oh stop singing you fool, this would only work as a podcast.
Of course, of course. But there's the silly old sod walking over Canton Bridge, let's spray him


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