July 6 lunchbox

Mrs B and Isabella

Steadfast bowl of Branflakes with semi-skimmed organic cold milk.

Walk to Work:
No chance! A day off from income generation on account of working last Sunday.

So it was just me and my 14 month old daughter Isabella this morning. We were out at 9am for a trip to our local park and swing time!
Then visited by parents for refreshments, before heading home for Isabella's lunch.

Only thing of note was at a set of traffic lights,where on the other side were two guys with their prams.
It made be recall a 1970s kids drama and a planet where men were ruled by women.

Made two ham and tomato rolls, followed by a banana and a cup of tea.

Depression? I have a confession. I was only depressed once in my teens. From the age of 13 to 19!

YEAR 2180: World's population of people in their second teens - aged 113 to 119 -
exceeds for the first time the first time around brigade.

Plenty of bridge, gin and hysterical laughter.... not sure the world is a better place though



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