August 4 lunchbox

Quick as a flash bowl of Weetabix with semi-skimmed organic milk, followed by half a pint of water and two pieces of toast with blackcurrant jam.

Walk to Work:
It was down Cowbridge Road East with my i-Pod as my companion. Traffic pretty light this morning. Could I spend an entire week on the road, which would include sleeping on the pavement? Well if I had to I would.


4 salmon sandwiches [tinned variety] with a hint of lemon juice
1 banana

Random Thought

Nice and relaxed, keep your head still, and hit right through the ball.
No way it looks too beautiful, just leave it and appreciate the view.


Anonymous said…
Organic milk is OK but I should like to see more contributions from the 'Coke for Wales' brigade. It may not be PC these days but their poppy goodness surely has a place on Cardiff's chief blog.
Sion Barry said…
Perhaps you have a point my former firefighting friend.

Ps I'm assuming you are talking about the drink variety.


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