November 12 lunchbox

Humbling bowl of Cornflakes with semi-skimmed cold organic milk.

The Walk to Work:
A coat no less was needed this morning. So it was down the legendary Taff Trail that I took myself with my breath visible on the riverside air.
Chap wearing a beret, who often cycles pass me heading out of the city, was trying to pump air into a deflated tyre, while yards later I passed a chap pushing two bicycles.
A note on the the River Taff: I was going to call an ambulance as it was hardly moving, but then a rather tubby Squirrel caught my eye.

2 ham and salad brown rolls
2 chocolate digestive biscuits
1 banana... which turned out to be too ripe to consume.
1 apple
1 satsuma.

Random Thought:

Cyril answer that phone
Cyril answer that bloody phone!
Cyril for the love of God answer that phone!!!

Voice of Narrator:
But Cyril is no longer working for the Inland Revenue, he didn't even leave a note with the milkman. He is somewhere in Peru right now and is learning to dance... and I mean really dance.


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