April 14 lunchbox

Amazing bowl of Shreddies with semi-skimmed cold organic milk, I kid you not.
Walk to Work:
It was down Cowbridge Road East which carries taxpaying and non taxpaying citizens alike into the centre of Cardiff. You could go the other way, but that would take you towards the Ely suburb of the city, where once there were several days of rioting all over the price of a loaf of bread in a corner shop.
4 ham, tomato and salad sandwiches
A medley of strawberries, grapes and raspberries [ top draw!]
1 apple
1 banana
2 chocolate digestive biscuits
A vision of the Virgin Mary [I just made that up]
Random Thought:
There are many people at income generation venues around this planet who give the impression of being busy, but are really not.
I have found that pretending to be busy when you are doing zero, is probably the hardest of all.


Lana Banana said…
mary sometimes appears in MY toast.

i'm NOT kidding.

see, mr. barry, i'm latina and she really like us . . . a lot . . . my peeps, that is. what with being oppressed and all.

i mean, just the other day i couldn't find a parking spot near the entrance to the mall and i was like, "i bet it's because i'm latina." then, lo and behold, mary appeared in my toast. or maybe it was a monarch butterfly . . . i can't remember now . . . but then the next time i went to the mall, guess what?


true story.
Sion Barry said…
Yes parking in the US can require divine intervention.

I have been to LAland a few times and I have to say that I don't like driving on your freeways. Unfortunately public transport is not so good.

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