May 6th lunchbox


Lana Banana said…

no, seriously, WOW.

mr. barry, you boggle the mind.

it's a wonder i can ever make it to work, rather than stay home and drinking from this marvelous fountain of wisdom that is your blog.


go on, mr. barry, take a bow. take a bow!

(lana claps wildly.)
Sion Barry said…

Your words are very inspiring too..

The US is a great country and don't you worry about the value of the dollar.

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ looks better
than ££££££££££££££££££££££££
Lana Banana said…
oh, i'm not worried, mr. barry.

i'm not an idiot. we'll just print more and more bills like they do in zimbabwe! soon i'll be veeeeeeeeeeeery rich! and then, THEN i'll be able to stay home alllllllll day just waiting for your posts . . .

AND, i'll be able to continue sitting here, inspiring you into utter (epic, even) greatness!!! though, hard to imagine that you can soar any higher . . .


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