May 3rd, lunchbox

Just back from the hospital in Caerphilly, which is still going up in my estimation. The castle right bang in the centre of the town, is truly awesome.

Tomorrow on this blog a podcast dedicated to my 3 day old daughter Isabella. It's all about migraines, slices of Almond cake and room service.

STILL on paternity leave, so no walk to work this morning.

Still doing a sterling job as a foot rest for Petra while breast feeding Isabella.. that's Spanish or Italian right mack?

When the lunchbox was sent to me from above by the tupperware gods in the circles of enlightenment (look in March or was it February's archives if you want to find out more) I would never have guessed it would have proved to be such a multi-tasking lunchbox.

Hello, my name is George...enjoying the party? Now let's get this right your are my mother's second cousin? No, first?

Random Thought.

5.27am : The Romanian Government's bid to stage the world vampire Olympics is boosted when Llanelli-born former Tory leader Michael Howard, who is heading a rival bid for the UK, is caught out by some unexpected early morning sunlight while out and about on Wimbledon Common.


Anonymous said…
Hello Sion,

Just wondered where you sourced the Michael howard pic?

Would quite like to use it for broadcast on ITV.

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