August 3rd lunchbox
BREAKFAST: A bowl of Special K with semi-skimmed cold milk
The Walk to Work: Pretty low key again down the River Taff Trail where the River Taff was extremely lethargic below
The Korean woman, who power jogs, was back on the trail... not seen her for at least a week.
A few cyclists whistled passed, with one wearing a Cycle 2 Work T-shirt.
Not needed for the second day running as I am out for lunch with a certain Rhain Kooy of accountancy firm PriceWaterhouseCoopers.
Yesterday I was out with very two important people from the firm of chartered surveyors Lambert Smith Hampton _ namely Claire Davies and Claire Thompson... so I had no concerns about calling them by their wrong names.
My office tea cup... I left it over night filled with hot water and some soda liquid crystals... and with a quick wipe it was as clean as a whistle. (Haven't you got anything better to tell us?)
People say you are always only 12 feet away from a rat. I am writing this in my office in the centre of Cardiff and I'm wondering how close the nearest bible is?
My gut instinct, and with no churches in the immediate vicinity, is that it is probably around 300 yards away... most likely a book shop.
Are there currently more bibles on this planet than rats? Not really sure.
Ps I have no problem with rats or bibles.
The Walk to Work: Pretty low key again down the River Taff Trail where the River Taff was extremely lethargic below
The Korean woman, who power jogs, was back on the trail... not seen her for at least a week.
A few cyclists whistled passed, with one wearing a Cycle 2 Work T-shirt.
Not needed for the second day running as I am out for lunch with a certain Rhain Kooy of accountancy firm PriceWaterhouseCoopers.
Yesterday I was out with very two important people from the firm of chartered surveyors Lambert Smith Hampton _ namely Claire Davies and Claire Thompson... so I had no concerns about calling them by their wrong names.
My office tea cup... I left it over night filled with hot water and some soda liquid crystals... and with a quick wipe it was as clean as a whistle. (Haven't you got anything better to tell us?)
People say you are always only 12 feet away from a rat. I am writing this in my office in the centre of Cardiff and I'm wondering how close the nearest bible is?
My gut instinct, and with no churches in the immediate vicinity, is that it is probably around 300 yards away... most likely a book shop.
Are there currently more bibles on this planet than rats? Not really sure.
Ps I have no problem with rats or bibles.
From a rat, a sewer.
From a bible, in a church
Great to see you met two Claires yesterday.
Claire means "bright" or "clear".
It would be great if you could put me in touch with the Claires you met so I can ask them if they want to join the club. My email address is
Claire, The Claire Club of Great Britain
John from Cycle 2 Work UK
Any reason for your religious themed Random Thought today?
The Pope
I've noticed you no longer respond to comments left on your blog. Any reason for this?
(I don't expect an answer by the way.)
Alan, Yarmouth
I recommend a good lie down for your present medical ailment.
Roger Banniford,
The Sciatica Association of the Isle of Wight
Rat and roll.
You are actually one metre away from a bible given to me by the descendents of headhunters converted by a Welsh missionary who came to Wales in 2004 to say thanks.
Sorry to hear about your back!
You might enjoy a film I've made -
Speak soon!
PS How's my mug?
Well I never. I had considered the fact that you might have a bible somewhere around your desk, but for some reason _ perhaps rat intervention _ I discounted it.
Hope you are enjoying the holiday.
Ps I will give your cup the soda cyrstal treatment on Sunday.
See you when you get back... when a rat will no doubt be on your desk!
Ciao Sion
Do you know if the soda crystals alsowork in Waterford crystal as this is a cleaning project at the moment.