September 11th lunchbox

Was running like a fool around my local park Llandaff Fields at 6.30am this morning.

Breakfast: Superb bowl of Branflakes.

Walk to Work: It was down the Taff Trail where the River Taff was still very lethargic, but I've seen her at her most active and she can become an untamed beast.
Quite a few cyclists whistled past me. Rubbish levels were noticeably up this morning with bottles, cans, papers etc etc, dropped everywhere.

1 banana
4 ham and tomato sandwiches on granary bread
2 digestive biscuits
1 container of strawberries
1 Cherry flavoured Muller light Yoghurt.

It was all consumed by 12.30am

RANDOM Thought:

THE continuation from last Friday's and Thursday's random thoughts has been postponed for reasons I cannot go into.
However, I will not be detered and will conclude the story with a podcast later this week.

Get this whisky down you... it will make you feel better. Then a nice hot bath and straight to bed!


We can change... :9

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