November 15 lunchbox

BREAKFAST: Seriously filling bowl of porridge.

Walk to Work: Looked like rain was closing in as I shuffled along the Taff Trail. I used to have an i-Pod as a musical companion, but it is out of action due to "firm ware" issues.
However, Mrs B, yesterday ordered a new one as it was still under warranty [but only five days were remaining]. It should be arriving next week from the States.
Ducks were again out in force on the River Taff below.

1 banana
1 apple
4 salmon [tinned variety] sandwiches with a hint of lemon juice on granary bread.
1 slice of chocolate cake [which was bought from the Farmers' Market in Cardiff last Sunday]

Random Thought

2070: THE First Bingo hall is opened in the Antarctican capital of AmundScott. "Two Fat penguins 88."


Anonymous said…
Hi Sion

Could you not source a replacement iPod from this side of the Atlantic?
Sion Barry said…
If was bought in Los Angeles and when Mrs B rang up she was put through to a call centre in the States.
It could well be that Apple could have sourced the replacement in the UK, but I think it will come from the US.
Anonymous said…
How many gigs has your ipod got?
Anonymous said…
I think its got as many gigs as Sion's blog has gags - not many!
Sion Barry said…
But Joey the Parrot got more laughs than you when you were a kid.


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