November 3, lunchbox
BREAKFAST: A charming bowl of Cornflakes, with, for the first time in ages, hot milk.
The Walk to Work; It was down the Taff Trail... and why not. The only alternatives are down the dreadful Cowbridge Road East, or Cathedral Road, which is my favourite stretch of highway in the whole of Cardiff.
Delighted to see that the slow moving Britsh Bulldog was back on the trail after what seemed like an eternity. I thought I was imagining it, but at one stage he was actually jogging. Looked like he had lost a bit of weight too.
Squirrels were really out in force this morning.
The Lunchbox
4 salmon sandwiches [tinned variety] with a hint of lemon juice on granary bread.
2 chocolate biscuits.
1 vanilla flavoured Muller Light yoghurt
1 plum
1 banana.
The Walk to Work; It was down the Taff Trail... and why not. The only alternatives are down the dreadful Cowbridge Road East, or Cathedral Road, which is my favourite stretch of highway in the whole of Cardiff.
Delighted to see that the slow moving Britsh Bulldog was back on the trail after what seemed like an eternity. I thought I was imagining it, but at one stage he was actually jogging. Looked like he had lost a bit of weight too.
Squirrels were really out in force this morning.
The Lunchbox
4 salmon sandwiches [tinned variety] with a hint of lemon juice on granary bread.
2 chocolate biscuits.
1 vanilla flavoured Muller Light yoghurt
1 plum
1 banana.
RANDOM THOUGHT YEAR 2050: My daughter Isabella [pictured left] takes her dear old dad and mum on a nice trip to Antarctica for a weekend break in the capital of AmundScott
Have a great weekend.