February 22 lunchbox

BREAKFAST: Bowl of pretty decent Cornflakes with semi-skimmed cold organic milk.

Walk to Work; It was down the lengendary Taff Trail, with drizzle in the air this morning. Also, I had to do up my shoes laces about five times! The ones I have are too thin.

1 ham brown roll and a beef one as well.
2 digestive biscuits
A fist full of dried blueberries
1 banana
1 apple
1 satsuma

Random Thought:

March 2008: Wales's greatEST living civil servant Gareth Hall has a "right result" after buying 100 much needed commerically focused customer relationship managers for £5.31p at a car boot sale in Llandeilo.... well done Gareth you have saved the day again for Dein.


Anonymous said…
Hello Sean,

Didn't Andrew Davies buy Gareth in a car boot sale? Not sure of the location, but might have been held in the car park of a lap dancing technium!

K Wood.
Sion Barry said…
I couldn't possibly comment!

Are you Irish?

Sion... Sean is the Irish spelling

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