March 19 lunchbox

Was up at 5.30am. Our daughter Isabella has not been well of late. On Friday night she was very sick indeed. Like a steam train it just keep on a rolling.

Breakfast: A mixture of porridge oates and branflakes with semi-skimmed organic milk

Walk to Work
AFTER my foot problems of last week, I was able to walk to work this morning. It was down the Taff Trial, where a cyclist on passing me managed to clip a rather rotund gentlemen as he whistled past him, but fortunately he was protected by a huge ruck sack slung over his right shoulder.

4 beef and tomato sandwiches
1 Rachel's organic yoghurt
2 digstive biscuits
1 apple
1 banana
1 satsuma
handful of red grapes

Random Thought

7am May 3, 2080: Steve Richardson from Luton, England, has only two miles to go to complete the world's first tightrope walk across the Atlantic Ocean.
The Irish coast is well in sight, where a huge crowd of one million is awaiting Steve on the shore line. He should make it in five hours.


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