July 16 lunchbox

Very decent bowl of Branflakes with semi-skimmed organic milk.

Walk to Work:

It was down the Taff Trail this morning. Such is the rate of construction on the new test ground at the home of Glamorgan County Cricket Club, that you can no longer see across the stadium from the trail.
Quite a few obedient dogs were out with their jogging owners this morning... of note was a little white terrier with a tennis ball in his month.


4 ham and salad sandwiches
1 apple
1 nectarine
1 Rachel's organic yoghurt
1 banana
1 digestive biscuits

Nose running like tap in my venue of income generation. Went across the road for a chemcial cure, but it only seemed to make things worse.

Random Thought:

2019: Wales' greatest ever retired civil servant, the affable Sir Gareth Hall, becomes the first Welshman to walk on the moon... but Derek Jones is en route to the surface of Mars
and is scheduled to touch down on January 3, 2020.


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