March 12 lunchbox

A slightly different version of this video [aimed at the Montana market of the US] is available on my YouTube channel Sion Barry's World.

Rabbits, buses, rain, long walks home... where has all the love gone? Put that carrot down!


Lana Banana said…
you make me laugh. hard.

i mean, ok, fine, yes, i AM easily entertained, but still . . .
Sion Barry said…


Anonymous said…
the trouble is, Sion, whenever I picture that person on the bus, the first face that comes to mind is yours. Fortunately, working for the BBC, I don't have to suffer the agonies of public transport any longer. Oh, the joy of a state-subsidised chauffeur...
Sion Barry said…
But if Menna can have one, I think you should as well!!!

Hope you are well. I walk mostly these days.

Have fun


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