March 7 lunchbox


Anonymous said…
Sion ..bit personal for the blog, but your gout ..a killer! I am a Doctor - but I advise you to consult your own re: what I say below as clearly you don't want to take advice from the Internet

Have you (a) tried Colchicine when the attack starts (tiny tablets derived from a crocus - and may give you the runs if you take too many - but very effective!) and (b) long term use of allopurinol - 300mg tablet per day (for life!) - reduces uric acid crystal build up

I'm your age, suffered dreadfully and now no attack for over a year.

If your condition is hereditary then this may not be 'enough' to clear all attacks, but it could well reduce their severity and regularity.

If I'm out of order, my apologies, delete!
Sion Barry said…
Thanks for the info on gout doctor.

Last attack was Christmas, but I've had tender knees, toes ankles, ever since.

I had specially made insoles from a podiatrist, but stopped wearing them a year back. Perhaps that might help with the aches and pains if I reintroduce?

Not tried colchicine, but have a bucket full of diclofenac, which were prescribed.

Don't want to go down the drug a day route at the moment

Just kinda of hoping it will go away, but have a feeling its here for the duration.

But perhaps I should see my doctor and have colchicine on standby for the next attack? Would a doctor do that?

Thanks again


Have you (a) tried Colchicine when the attack starts (tiny tablets derived from a crocus - and may give you the runs if you take too many - but very effective!) and (b) long term use of allopurinol - 300mg tablet per day (for life!) - reduces uric acid crystal build up
Anonymous said…
Doctors leaving comments on Blogs probably frowned on so I will stay anonymous - remember (sorry - patronising) check this out with your GP. I just like reading your crazy blog!

(i) Yes - colchicine can be prescribed for 'stand by' in cases of gout. The old advice used to be 'take 1 tablet every 1/2 hr until the on set of "tummy troubles" - that put people off (but did clear the gout in very many cases!) - so we now prescribe about 4 per day'. Discuss it with your GP - it might not work in your case, but worth a try. It is only used to clear the immediate attacks though.

(ii) You are wise to be reluctant to go down the drug a day route - BUT - allopurinol is an incredibly stable drug. There are numerous long term studies (both here and in the states) that show few if any side effects. It is not a steroid and nowhere near as potent as diclo (which is really only for pain and inflamation relief). The drug reduces uric acid build up and therefore the crystals that get into your joints and cause gout. If you are having 'swollen or painful' joints for more than a few days it suggests the gout is caused by this and uric acid needs to be reduced. Of course it is not a guarantee - you can stop it after a year or so and see where things have got to. Some people get a mild rash but that is rare. I would strongly recommend you discuss this with your GP. (Some times taking allopurinol can bring on a gout attack in the very early days, so it is best to start colchicine and allopurinol together and then gradually stop the former after about three days.

Hope this is helpful

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