May 3 lunchbox


Anonymous said…
I'm not stalking you...honest.

If I may be so bold as to make a personal observation?
It is refreshing to see that time, responsibility and the addition of the word "editor" to your job title hasn't really changed you.
Having read a few of the posts, its a bit like I've been transported back 8 years to the Western Mail's newsroom.

I would offer to pick your briefcase up for you as we're heading down to Cardiff on Thursday for a long weekend. But I'm not sure I'll be able to make it into Birmingham in the next few days.
Sion Barry said…
Hi Paul,

Yes you have to be yourself... and this blog is just that!!!

Hope you are well. I see your dad often and he is a great character.

Thanks for the offer on that blasted briefcase!! Was on a course with Joanna from the Birmingham Post in Preston last week... all interesting stuff. I have come to the conclusion that the printing mafia is going to get "hit" bigtime by web 2.0

But two way interesting content will reign supreme and so there will always be work for journalists... even if it's back to pre-industrial like, but hi-tech cottage industries.

Good blog by the way


Joanna Geary said…
Woah...two worlds collide. Hello Paul = this is strange, but cool.

I think there's a "show us your eye" meme in here somewhere.

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