August 15 lunchbox

Matter of fact bowl of Weetabix with semi-skimmed organic milk
Walk to Work:

Rain on and off as I wandered down the Taff Trail for a change. The immaculately groomed white husky dog I spied through the trees across the River Taff in the grounds of Cardiff Castle.
The trail was pretty quiet on the mankind front, withjust the odd cyclist whistling pass me.

2 organic smoked salmon sandwiches with a hint of lemon juice
2 ham and tomato sandwiches
1 apple
1 Rachel's dairy yoghurt
2 chocolate digestive biscuits
1 nectarine.

Random Thought

Fireman Taff starting out in the firefighting business back in 1901 in New York City no less.
Today he is 130 years old and living in the village of Tonteg.
He is the chap pictured first left in the front row. It's all a bit sketchy as to how he ended up here in Wales. However, what I do know [and strictly off the record] is that he came up with the idea to create the Welsh Consumer Council.


Anonymous said…
And a good job he did. What a fine, upstanding and handsome bunch of comsumerchampions they've all grown up to be! ahem.
Anonymous said…
Mrs Fireman Taff must be leaking photos! As a punishment I've hidden the Coco Pops. I've also hidden the Aldi hot chocolate as we all know what she does on thee occasions. I don't like to be so Draconian, but it's the only way she'll learn.
Anyway,at least the story is accurate, which is the least I'd expect from the author.

Now, where's my crayons? I need to write to the Welsh Council.

No F.T. No comment.

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