Showing posts from March, 2008
March 18 lunchbox
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THIS is me throwing wooden plates into a perspex tube... the chap on my right is called John and he lives in Scotland. This happened in a place called the Sandbox, somewhere in the North of England . Walk to Work. Had an event at the Hilton Hotel in Cardiff for 7.30am for the launch of the GEM report for Wales. It was a small, but well meaning and jovial crowd, including Professor Wil Williams [who didn't cycle this morning]. Nick Servini from BBC Wales was also there and we had chat about parenthood and insolvency practitioners... as you do. And oh yes Wales's greatest ever living civil servant Ian Williams [who has just taken the crown, or was it a poisoned chalice?] from Gareth Hall. Why does Thailand have the highest entrepreneurial activity rate of any economy? Not a clue, but might be worth asking a German tourist. Random Thought BT you promised much But Wick way is it all going? Could get a bit sticky and not so pretty,but stay on the line as we try to reconnect ...
March 13 lunchbox
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BREAKFAST Standard bowl of Cornflakes with semi-skimmed hot milk. Walk to Work: By automobile this morning into the centre of Cardiff to my venue of income generation. Was in by 8.1oam. Lunchbox 4 ham and tomato sandwiches 1 banana 1 apple Random Thought I would say there is a possibility that I could out score Tiger Woods on the golf course of my choice on one hole. It could take 500 holes or just one. Will be banking on him slicing into the woods, dropping a shot, say on a par 3 150 yards hole and my good self then sinking a birdie putt. Could happen on a par 4 or 5 too. Have no plans to contact his people to organise as I am far too busy with this silly blog and opening convenience stores in East Anglia
March 9 lunchbox
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BEEN listening to Led Zeppelin [with the headphones on], while trying to pen a 3,000 report which involves trying to estimate the population of those born in Wales living outside of the UK; English football club web-based television channels and what revenues they generate, Ofcom and EU proposals for regulating web-based TV; a little bit about IPTV... just the run of the mill Sunday evening sort of stuff. When I was a teenager I was a massive Led Zeppelin fan and when John Bonham [the drummer] died in 1980 I was gutted. I was 14 at the time. Anyway, not really listened to them for years, until my older brother Mark bought me a LZ album last November for my birthday... one of those compilation things that every band repackages every couple of years. So where is this going? [well don't look at me!]. Okay, well for me it's a great trip down memory lane... and what a band! They played the O2 concert last year with Bonham's son on drums, and were pretty awesome. I'm list...
March 5 lunchbox
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NOT BEEN in the blogging frame of mind for the last few days. The other week I noticed in a street near our humble abode a pair of football boots wrapped around the telephone line some 15 feet up high. Whoever threw them might have been there all day trying to get them to catch, or were extremely lucky with their first attempt. Or perhaps a poor kid has been bullied en route home from football practice. A gang had stolen his boots and then laughed cruelly while doing the dastardly deed. Perhaps people making and receiving calls in the street now start talking in football cliches: game of two halves, only takes a second to score a goal - you know the kinda stuff. If they are still there [the boots that is] I might video them and host on this site, but perhaps my chairman will call me in and say Sion you have to go. Breakfast: On side and back of the net bowl of Weetabix with hot semi-skimmed organic milk. Walk to Work: Middle of the table jaunt down Cowbridge Road East and into the...