May 31st lunchbox
A podcast on the Welsh Forgetter of the Year. TO HEAR THE BARDS in ACTION CLICK HERE, DIOLCH! BREAKFAST: Very good bowl of Branflakes THE WALK to WORK. SUN was radiating as I ambled down what was a POSTCARDESQUE River Taff Trail this morning. Was i-Podless so had the full symphony of bird song, interspersed with the chimes of the Clock Tower of Cardiff Castle. THE LUNCHBOX 4 salmon sandwiches(tinned variety)with a hint of lemon juice. 1 plum 1 banana 1 Toffee flavoured Muller Light Yoghurt. 2 Chocolate digestive biscuits. TRUST ME MY WIFE IS A MAGISTRATE. Biscuits went early, followed by the fruit then the sandwiches just before midday. Saving the yoghurt until later RANDOM THOUGHT 2021: THE opening of the first TESCO UNIVERSITY, where students are schooled in Tescology, is delayed after members of the ANTI-TESCO league chain themselves to supermarket trollies in the offices of the Vice-Chancellor, located at the end of the Frozen Food aisle of the new campus